Novel Hydrocarbon Extraction technology has the potential to reshape the way the oil and gas industry operates. Industry is constantly evaluating new and better methods to develop resources, and our goal is to find ways to make that process faster.
The Novel Hydrocarbon Extraction working group is focused on developing solutions to access and produce hydrocarbons while decreasing the environmental footprint of development, including well architectures/completions and artificial lift in all reservoirs.
Oilsands In Situ: Low emission extraction through transformative technologies such as solvent-dominated processes, electromagnetic heating, or subsurface heat generation
Heavy Oil: Technologies that improve extraction in worm-holed reservoirs, including thermal, solvent, chemical, or CO2 EOR projects for cold heavy oil production with sand (CHOPS) that emphasize gas capture vs. methane venting
Light/Tight: Gas, CO2, Huff and Puff or other floods that help move beyond primary production to EOR methods that minimize declines, re-fracturing or down-spacing
Oilsands Mining/Extraction: Material handling, aqueous / non-aqueous extraction through solvent or other novel processes for mined oilsands to reduce tailings, GHG emissions, and water consumption, allowing for timely reclamation after closure
Technologies or downhole treatments that can be applied to restart/reinvigorate shut-in wells and/or minimize new disturbance by leveraging existing footprints
Talent: Challenge perspectives on innovative technologies for biofuel production and sustainable environmental management
'Enabling High Performance Multi-Lateral Wells' webinars and a white paper.
Co-authoring 'Accelerating Novel Hydrocarbon Recovery Technology Development and Innovation' which identifies and prioritizes optimal practices and processes, builds and develops relationships between stakeholders, and develops a roadmap